Nathaniel Lambert is a research scientist banished to the lawless lands of North Dakota. When he hangs up his plague-infected labcoat, he picks up a pen. His short fiction has appeared in SHROUD and NECROTIC TISSUE and as a SPOTLIGHT SCRIBE over at CHOATE ROAD. He is the coauthor of SIDESHOW...
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Nathaniel Lambert is a research scientist banished to the lawless lands of North Dakota. When he hangs up his plague-infected labcoat, he picks up a pen. His short fiction has appeared in SHROUD and NECROTIC TISSUE and as a SPOTLIGHT SCRIBE over at CHOATE ROAD. He is the coauthor of SIDESHOW P.I.: THE DEVIL'S GARDEN and SIDESHOW P.I.: ALL FALL DOWN. He also wrote the story for an UNChildren's book titled IT'S OKAY TO BE A ZOMBIE. THE HORRIBLES will be his first solo acid-trip. It is due to be published in the fall of 2010.He eats emails for breakfast. Send him some kibble at: nathaniel(at)devilsfootlocker(dot)com.
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