Format: kindle
Series: Fall Away (#3)
⭐5 stars⭐Bite me, hit me, scream at me. I don't care. I want to feel it. Fucking hurt me, K.C. Let me see you.
DNF at 60%Fuck it. I'm done.
Venia tan segura de lo que iba a comentar sobre este libro, hasta que lei el maldito adelanto de [b:Aflame|23437291|Aflame (Fall Away, #4)|Penelope Douglas||43002071], que acaba de terminar con mi felicidad. Querid...
Todo este libro se sintió como un gran deja vu. Todo lo que pasa ya ha pasado antes en cientos de libros NA. ¿Originalidad? ¿Qué es eso?LOS PERSONAJES:Jaxon es el típico idiota/stalker/dominante con un pasado terrible, que no puede abrirse al amor y por eso se refugia en relaciones puramente físicas...
Jax has always had a thing for K.C. I have a thing for Jax. I have been waiting for his story, wanting to know more about him all along. My inner cougar is definitely in full force.I pictured Jax somewhat like this while reading the book. He's half Native American with black hair, dark skin and ...