by Suzette Haden Elgin
The prose is rough. It needs to be tightened up all the way through, and if I were being reasonable, I might admit that the men are a little *too* evil. (But who wants to be reasonable?) The idea is entertaining, and the linguistics throughout is great - interesting and fun.
Upon buying:Just look at how amazing that cover is. HOW COULD I SAY NO.Upon finishing:The cover had disappointingly little to do with the book. I wanted babies in giant test tubes presided over by gigantic happy aliens, ok?I am torn as to what I should rate this book. I think it's a 3.5 but I'll rou...
I've been seeing the sequel to this book in my public library (a ratty paperback) since I was a kid, and wanted to read it, but have never found the first volume.
Absolutely excellent. I know The Handmaid's Tale gets more press and praise, but this is a far more realistic and chilling misogynist future. There's really so much meaty stuff, and I'm so far from eloquent, that I'll just say read it and leave it at that.
Was interesting at the time I read it, but I have no interest in continuing with the series now.
Although the premise is a bit implausible, this is a thought-provoking book, especially if you really like the idea of xeno-linguistics. It's a bit dated now, and all the male characters are one-dimensional, but it's nonetheless an interesting read.