by Lillian Olsen
First story: Natsume meets a boy who seems to be like him – he can see and is being chased by yokai. He's also maybe being bullied. Second story: The little fox yokai decides to visit Natsume because he's feeling lonely. Third story: Hinoe tells the story of how she met Reiko. Fourth story: A one-sh...
I'm torn on this volume. On the one hand, I think this is the first time when the conflict between his yokai friends and his human friends has been thrown into sharp relief. People have said he'd have to decide, but in this issue, we finally see it being a major point. More Taki and Natori is welco...
One long and several short stories structured around the theme of loneliness. In the series' first three-episode arc, Natsume encounters his most powerful yokai yet. Appearing again are Taki, the girl who can't see yokai herself but knows about them, and Mr Natori the actor/exorcist. Two of the shor...
The series shifts to something less episodic and more arc-based. I'm neutral to positive on this; I like the series' steady emotional continuity and subtle change, and am happy we're apparently going to see more of it, but I also enjoyed the miniature grace of the individual episodes. It's a big p...
The series shifts to something less episodic and more arc-based. I'm neutral to positive on this; I like the series' steady emotional continuity and subtle change, and am happy we're apparently going to see more of it, but I also enjoyed the miniature grace of the individual episodes. It's a big p...