START NOW, IT'S SIMPLE! Become free from modern drug-oriented birth control methods, take control of your fertility now and realize the power that is already inside of you! The ability to conceive or to avoid pregnancy altogether need not be a complicated matter. Natural Family Planning has been...
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START NOW, IT'S SIMPLE! Become free from modern drug-oriented birth control methods, take control of your fertility now and realize the power that is already inside of you!
The ability to conceive or to avoid pregnancy altogether need not be a complicated matter. Natural Family Planning has been around for thousands of years yet many people think of this tradition within a religious context and believe it to be clouded in mysticism. While NFP is now endorsed by the Catholic Church as a morally correct way of spacing children during marriage, its supporters extend far beyond the framework of any one religious organization. NFP itself is not religious in nature, it is simply a time-honored tradition that allows women to take control of their fertility while honoring the cycles of their childbearing years.
When first considering a natural family planning route, one can begin to feel overwhelmed by all of the methods that exist and are in use today. The good news is that NFP can be made simple by following a few simple steps during your daily routine and by being as consistent as possible.
Yes, there are several methods of charting your fertility available, but ultimately you will only need to settle on one -- the one that best suits your goals and lifestyle. This book was written to help make that choice as easy and as smooth as possible for you.
In 'Natural Family Planning Made Easy' you'll find:
The most popular forms of NFP in use today
Tips for quick and easy charting
How to overcome common obstacles
Advice on how to choose the right method of NFP
How to become aware of your hormonal changes as you transition from pregnancy back to normal fertility cycles
The history of Natural Family Planning and women and fertility
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Start taking charge of your fertility, scroll up to the top and grab your copy now!
About The Author
Kate Evans Scott is the author of the Amazon Bestselling cookbooks The Paleo Kid, Paleo Kid Snacks, The Paleo Kid Lunchbox, and Infused: 26 Spa-Inspired Vitamin Waters. After her son was diagnosed with several food intolerances and after having struggled with her own Autoimmune Disease, Kate made the commitment to remove all grains and processed foods from her family's diet. Her passion and love for good food blossomed after training with a retreat chef in Belgium in her early 20's. Since then, she has wanted to bring her love of food and health into the kitchens of other families struggling with health and dietary challenges.
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