the first story in this book — the title story — was basically one big run on sentence that was somewhat painful to read. i was irritated by the grammar, the tiny mistakes (switching a wound from the left side of the body to the right, spelling the antagonist's name as steven instead if stephen,) ...
Read as one of two novellas under the [b:Old Flames|2583591|Old Flames|Jack Ketchum||2599872] cover.
Four and a half stars. Almost as good as the original.I am always leery of sequels. There seems to be two types of sequel writers. Those who are in it for the money. "Shake that moneymaker! Keep them wanting more". Then there is the reluctant writer who is nagged by his publisher to write a sequel t...
How much could you endure if you were being tortured? I know I have a pretty strong pain tolerance but Right to Life(the first story in this novella) is about more than physical pain. It's about the strength of a person's character and her will to live. It is NOT a book about abortion or Pro-choice...