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I'm in love with this story and these characters. It took me a moment with the first book, but I loved the second and this one. I'm on the edge wanting to know what's going to happen to them. With this author, you just never really know. The way they all come to together from different times and...
Este fue el tomo que más me costó leer y que mas tiempo me llevó. De todas formas, cuando digo que me "costo" no me refiero a que sea malo ni nada por el estilo. Las primeras páginas si son un poco lentas, pero está bien que King relaje un poco luego de la intensidad del tomo anterior. Por otro lado...
The Waste Lands is the third in Stephen King's epic fantasy-western septet The Dark Tower, and it's always been my favourite. So it's interesting to see how it stands up to a re-read. It sees Roland Deschain, last of the gunslingers, and his new friends, drawn, for reasons best known to Sai King, ...
It seems like every time I read this book, life gets in the way and I can't ever finish it as quickly as I'd like to. Seriously -- every time I make another trek to the Tower, I can almost count on life getting hectic while reading THE WASTE LANDS. I read THE GUNSLINGER in one day and THE DRAWING OF...
The only coherent thought I had when I finished this novel was Um . . . wow.In this book, the gunslinger, Roland, “draws” two more members of the group who will help him reach the Dark Tower. One of them is an eleven-year-old named Jake, and the other is a dog-like creature called Oy. As the group f...