by Norah Wilson
2.5 star, steamy read
Got it as a freebie on Kobo. I like that it was a Canadian setting, even if it's just really by name only. It's a short story so a lot of the build-up to the MC's story is told so as a reader, I have to quickly buy into it, which I did enough to like the MCs and get their emo side (the steam didn't ...
Thankfully it was free. A woman who happens to be a defense attorney thinks she has nothing to lose after a doctor's visit decides to go after her desires- a detective on the police force. A bit OTT with the HEA and of course true love was confessed. It was a short read and killed the time while I w...
This was an enjoyable romp about a girl who decides not to waste any time with regrets when she's diagnosed with cancer. She goes after sexy detective, Craig Walker and takes what she's been fantasizing about for months! Hot, sexy and will definitely encourage me to try the author's longer books
Good short story, very short.
Really strong short story and it made me want to read more by this author. Both characters were well developed and easy to identify with and made for a smooth sexy tale.
Short quick read.
3.5 stars.I enjoyed this freebie from Smashwords. I liked the tension between the hero/heroine, and understood where Nita was coming from. I also really liked Craig's character. Would not mind at all reading more from this author.