by Kristin Cast, Phyllis Christine Cast
It’s time for another short story in the House of Night series to give terrible back story no-one asked for and manage to make already terrible things worse Now, on the plus side this book does have a very haunting depiction of abuse and sexual assault and rape within the family, especially back i...
The journal style was an interesting approach, especially seeing as it often felt more like a story and less like an informal account of her thoughts. Despite that, I do kind of wish the other two novellas had been written in this style, as ultimately, it was a lot more interesting and - at times - ...
While I really liked Lenobia's Vow, I liked this one less.The story was ok, but the dad was just beyond creepy. I also wouldn't recommend this book to anyone under 16. See spoiler for why There is one very violent rape scene. Neferet gets raped by her own dad, it is quite disturbing.
P.C. Cast's note at the end of this book might have been my favorite part. But back to Neferet, I may be callous but this didn't make me change my mind about her one bit. Still don't like her. Yes she had a tragic past but she could have had a bright future and chose otherwise. Well, I guess to her ...
Another shining star in the House of Night series. I’m telling you, these novellas are better than the actual books in the main series! Getting to learn about Neferet’s past was extremely eye-opening. I was surprised at her character in the beginning, but seeing how she developed, and the choices sh...
Wow, you ever wonder why Neferet became they way she is? This definitely tells you why. Her story was beyond emotional and heart wrenching. Life growing up for her was hard and she pushed through some horrific things. One’s that most people don’t ever recover from, but it is what made her the callou...
Why am I not surprise that that was what happened to Neferet? :/ A good girl gone bad cause of abuse.
WHAT!!?? i thought it was slated for a July 17th, 2012 release. when did it become February 19, 2013????????????