Neid / Envy
Sandra Brown (author)
9783442368723 (3442368723)
Edition language: Deutsch
I wanted to slap some sense into the heroine and punch the "hero" in the face. What kept me reading this book was the mystery - I wanted to find out if my guesses were right. And they were! But the resolution at the end was so full of holes and implausibilities that I wanted to send the author a fla...
This was a nice read. I liked the characters,they feel very real. I don't really think this is a suspense book though. More romance mystery.I'm a tiny bit disappointed by the ending. The book is a bit slow - though it never bithered me. The ending is however very rushed and sudden. But it was an enj...
An interesting story that soon divided into two threads. The first one was so intriguing that I skipped ahead to see what happened and ended up just reading that path. I returned to read other part which was slower paced but insightful. Publisher Maris is lured into a potential story submitted by ...
3.5 star read
Man I liked this book. I read it several years ago I remembered how easily it kept my interest. I actually wish I had something like this to read right now.