Neil Baker is a novelist, short story writer, poet, artist, and world-renowned psychic. Neil holds a degree in Psychology and has been a psycho-dramatist for a private psychiatric hospital. He has also managed a theater, a candy store, a book store, a golf course, an all-night Seven-Eleven, and a...
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Neil Baker is a novelist, short story writer, poet, artist, and world-renowned psychic. Neil holds a degree in Psychology and has been a psycho-dramatist for a private psychiatric hospital. He has also managed a theater, a candy store, a book store, a golf course, an all-night Seven-Eleven, and a motel. He has been a library page, a children's activities director, a senior citizens' activities director, an actor, a gravedigger, a Big Foot tracker, and a professional psychic and medium. Neil is also the co-host of "The Neil Baker Psychic Hour," and is currently in the process of writing his first non-fiction book, a joint project with his co-author, radio show co-host, and partner Kristin. This non-fiction work is a groundbreaking book of numerology that will reveal deep secrets about the code and language of numbers and how the vibrational language of numbers impacts the lives of every individual on the planet. Neil has conducted over 100,000 personal readings and has accomplished this variety of roles while maintaining a somewhat questionable existence within the severe physical contours of the earth.
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