by Neil Patrick Harris
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-CycleWell, that was weird. I went into this book not really fully thinking about the premise (and I don't think anyone involved really thought it through either). I loved Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books as a kid so I was really excited about reading this. H...
So, obviously, this is Harris’s autobiography. The book has been specially adapted for the audio version (hooray!). I read that the paper version lets you flip around the book, making creative decisions for Harris’s life like you would in those Choose Your Own Adventure novels I so enjoyed as a kid....
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.This book brings back a lot of fond memories for me. I used to adore reading the choose your own adventure books as a child although I would never choose the right option and always ended up dying of thirst or some other horrible death. I woul...
This book beautifully explains what make Harris such a marvelous performer: he is singularly focused on providing the most entertaining performance possible. Here he's made the actor memoir into a delightfully entertaining book. It's not because he's had such a fascinating life, although it's been a...
I suppose I read this the "wrong" way. Its a different type of autobiography in which you're supposed to follow the instructions and choose which direction you want the story to go by choosing different pages NPH directs you to go. I read it straight through afraid I was going to miss something if I...
Title: Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography Author: Neil Patrick Harris Genre: Autobiography Publisher: Penguin Random House Publication Date: October 14, 2014 Format: Hardcover via Blogging for Books Synopsis My rating: 3 of 5 stars My review (published at Read, Run, Ramble): ...
This was a fun read.....going through the different options.... Was very entertained