by Denise Jaden
It started out dealing with one issue, a more simple issue and the book ended on a more deeper level and the way the two emerged was like opening a door. Loann wants to be more like her sister Claire, popular and outgoing. She watches and takes mental notes so if her chance comes along she will no...
Find more of my reviews at www.readingangel.comNever Enough is an extremely emotional contemporary book. I cried so hard at one point that my husband walked through to find out what the heck was wrong with me. I devoured the entire 400 pages in one day because I just couldn't leave the lives of th...
This is a powerful novel dealing gracefully with very sensitive subjects. It is gritty and tough to read at points because of all of the issues the characters I came to love were dealing with. It is hard stuff, stuff that teens should never have to deal with but they do everyday. Bullying, peer pres...
Note: I received an ARC of this book from S&S GalleyGrab.If "Never Enough" had been shaved off by about 100 pages, I think it would've been a much better book in terms of getting to its respective premise and message. Granted, it tackles quite many tough issues - from domestic abuse to eating disor...
I can't say that I know a whole lot about eating disorders, but this is not the first book I read in the matter so I know enough to realize it's a very misunderstood disease. It's a monster that takes over the body; an ugly, nasty monster that consumes it. Some people think they're simply being self...
Review Pending!
2.5/5Let’s face facts… Loann could twists just about any drama around her and make it about her. ‘Oh, Marcus is stoically being all silent boy independent and closed mouthed about his problems.’ Boohoo. Does this mean he hates me? Or, ‘oh, my sister is laughing about something with her friends.’ Do...
Review to come.
Loann looks up to her sister Claire so much she wants to be just like her: pretty and popular. Loann doesn't see herself as either of those, so being just like her older sister would be perfect. But then some things happen, and soon Loann is flirting with Claire's ex-boyfriend. She wants to feel spe...