by Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher
So quick review for a quick read. "Never Never Part Two" was much weaker, in my opinion, than the first part. Granted, we get a few more answers in terms of Charlie and Silas's experience as far as the ongoing conflict between their families and a few of the relationships and connections they have. ...
In Never Never part 1, I was confused. If you read my review for it or my reading progress on Goodreads, you'd see how much and how it never changed. Strange things were happening to Charlie and Silas, and it turns out that it's a recurring thing that they have to figure out how it all started and h...
This book was so unbelievably suspenseful that I wanted to inhale it - just like the first one. It put me in a trance that wasn't broken until the book ended. I love books that have that effect on me. If you loved the first book, you'll love this one too.
This book was so unbelievably suspenseful that I wanted to inhale it - just like the first one. It put me in a trance that wasn't broken until the book ended. I love books that have that effect on me. If you loved the first book, you'll love this one too.
!!!!! Whyyyyyyy?????? Hurry up and release that last book now!
Lo primero que pensé cuando vi esa portada: parece que un tiburón se comió una de las manos jiji. Lo segundo que pensé cuando vi esa portada: :(