Adorable and funny story!
Typical Stilesisms!"You're adorable."Stiles' mouth opens in offense. "No, dude, I'm totally sexy. R-rated sexy. Judy Blume's Forever sexy. Fifty Shades of Stiles."And Derek abb appreciation!This was awesome. Off page nookie though.^^^^I love this movie so a fic based on it was always going to be a w...
How cute. I love the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love, and I love Sterek. I think Stiles is exactly like Emma Stone's character and Derek like Ryan's. Although this is only my 2nd Sterek fanfic I feel I know them so well.Short and sweet. Always a big plus when there is more talking and less physical contac...
Cute Sterek take on Crazy, Stupid, Love. Stiles was spot on. My favorite part was the Dirty Dancing scene.To me Derek wasn't really Derek. *shrugs* Entertaining enough.
"I might be dating Derek?Allison replies almost immediately.Five o'clock from the bar? Nice. Proud of you. xoxo How was he? (;He has a lime green Shake Weight.Is that supposed to be a euphemism? Stiles?STILES." of my all time fave movies: Crazy. Stupid. Love. got Sterek'd.You know I'm all o...