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Reading only the first volume, I have no idea if this stands on its own or if it is some sort of cargo cult replica of Morrison's run on this title. But the book is beautiful and intriguing, so I suppose the answer is to read along until it reveals itself.
Even as they wrap up the first storyline quite nicely, and leave it open for storyline two. That being said, this is a good weird. Bizarre, but thoughtful and thought provoking. Sometimes, though, I think it's just weird to be weird. Because that's always a little fun, and I can't deny that ...
This has a lot to it, it's just wrapped up in the oddest trappings possible. I'm especially having a hard time grasping what's happening to Trainor, and I suspect the fact that I haven't read much Doom Patrol is a hindrance, as well. Still, what little I've read off the internet about the earlier...
And I love it all: Danny is Casey's EMT truck, and they're going to go back in time and stop bad, bad things from happening and everyone from getting turned into hamburgers. I'm not even sure what's going on with Captain Trainor: he's going to rejoin the Negative Spirit, to stop bad, bad things fr...
This is one of the weirdest books I've read in a long time. It's also one of the books that's filled with the most wonderful, sometimes even dark and wonderful, things. It's metaphysical, bizarre, and beautiful. The characters are in different places (emotionally, mentally, and in some places ...