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Nick S. Thomas
Nick S. Thomas, is a writer, martial artist and European martial arts fencing champion. He is a keen Science fiction fan, writer of the 'Battle Earth' and 'Starforce Ganymede' series of novels.He has written books on European martial arts and is co-founder of the prestigious Academy of Historical... show more

Nick S. Thomas, is a writer, martial artist and European martial arts fencing champion. He is a keen Science fiction fan, writer of the 'Battle Earth' and 'Starforce Ganymede' series of novels.He has written books on European martial arts and is co-founder of the prestigious Academy of Historical Fencing. The Academy has over 100 members all training in traditional armed and unarmed European martial arts. His specialist subject areas are teaching the use of the renaissance rapier and companion weapons, 19th century military sabre and medieval and Renaissance dagger fighting. Nick has taught both in the UK and around Europe and won two European martial arts Tournaments in 2009. He has a degree in Film Production and a keen interest in civilian fighting forms.Nick is a keen Zombie Survival enthusiast, well prepared and keen to spread the word on survival techniques!
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Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it 9 years ago
The Intergalactic Bureau of Investigation (IBI) carry on their mission to crack down on organised crime across the various space colonies.This time the shady side of politics comes into play as various powerful senators try to discredit them and close them down after they start to take a closer look...
Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it 9 years ago
Following a spate of robberies across all the planets, a special taskforce (the Intergalctic Bureau of Investigations) is set up by Presidential order.Able to work around the regulations that each of the planets have set up, they start by tracking down the most notorious of the gangs.Various setback...
Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it 10 years ago
A decent sci-fi yarn follows the last surviving members of a unit as they try to stop the evil genius behind the war.That is, until he sends himself back in time to World War 2. The heroes try to follow him back, and end up with the allies but history is slightly different.It's not very original, bu...
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