Talk about a flashback of memories. Three Daves starts off in 1986 as Jen is started her sophomore year. Personally, I was starting the 11th grade at that time so the music, bar scenes, mixed tapes, movies and the fashion of that time is all something I could relate to. I was extremely into music...
It’s impossible to give an in-depth review of this amazing book without spoilers but I will try my best. This isn’t the usual angel falls for the daughter of man story that fills the young adult shelves. (Not that I don’t love them.) For a start, Maggie is a woman of faith in her late thirties. She...
Deep and AffirmingNicki Elson, author of the fun and flirty college romp [b:Three Daves|7743801|Three Daves|Nicki Elson||10561734], heads in a different direction for this adult spiritual romance. I loved the realistic characters, the suspense, and...