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Nicola Zanni
Nicola Zanni's Books
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A Voracious Reader
A Voracious Reader rated it 10 years ago
*Book source ~ Library From Goodreads: Spike is out on his own, away from Angel's watchful eye, and in charge of his own destiny. Old flames and new challenges arise as Spike faces a crazed killer, Wolfram & Hart, and the consequences of having a soul. This title collects the complete 8-issue seri...
Read Fragment
Read Fragment rated it 12 years ago
Oooh, Spike. I laughed, I read, I laughed some more. Glad to know how Spike became king, loved the dialog in this one.
LeahSL rated it 12 years ago
Despite some awkward dialogue, I am liking the Spike storylines a lot more than the Angel ones (surprise! No, but seriously, I refer here to the Spike Comics vs the Angel Comics, which encompasses much more than Spike vs Angel. We know how that turns out. "It's Mountain Dew...").Apart from all that...
Sesana rated it 12 years ago
This was better than the previous IDW miniseries, [b:Angel: Only Human|6705246|Angel Only Human|Scott Lobdell|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327333699s/6705246.jpg|6901015]. This may be because of the characters. Spike is rather more interesting to follow than Gunn and Illyria, and Betta George migh...
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