All right, so I just had to read part two of these series given that part one ended where it shouldn't and I wanted to know what happened next. In this installment, Mary gives into her desires and has sex for the first time. I had a little bit of trouble with this because she's supposedly a virgin, ...
Don't read this book. Here's why ---> THE FETISH QUEEN PART THREE: CURSED
This was an ok read. The heroine's affliction was the best part of the story. I couldn't imagine not being able to recognize myself nor my friends and family, constantly thinking they were strangers until I heard their voices. I also liked the way she dealt with this through her picture taking. The ...
This installment was sexy and fun! Read my review ---> THE FETISH QUEEN - Part One: REBORN
A very fast read that leaves you smiling in delight at the end.