2 A-Perfect-Reminder-of-Why-I-Sometimes-I-F*CKING-HATE-Bikers Stars*will calm the fuck down first before ranting bout it.THAT COVER IS VERY PRETTY!"How is it, that someone can make decision after decision attempting to get away from their past and somehow end up right back where they started?" When ...
It may not be the right word given the the sensitivity of some of the issues covered in this book but let's just say that I did enjoy this one. It was a quick read with the right amount of action and "action";)The story/writing obviously pulled me in enough but certain things brought on mixed feelin...
Loved it! Can't wait to find out who Cassie is!
So I'm in the minority here, but to be honest, if this is what mc books are like now, I just don't think they're for me. I've read KA's and those iirc, were pretty good, but I think I need to be pickier from here on out. Having said that, the rest of this review, ( if you can really even call it tha...