Nigel Foster is regarded as one of the most charismatic and talented kayaking instructors in the world today. His innovative approach attracts kayakers of all levels throughout the USA, where he now lives, in Europe, and elsewhere around the world. Introduced to kayaking as a teenager Foster...
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Nigel Foster is regarded as one of the most charismatic and talented kayaking instructors in the world today. His innovative approach attracts kayakers of all levels throughout the USA, where he now lives, in Europe, and elsewhere around the world. Introduced to kayaking as a teenager Foster soon became obsessed with trying as many styles of kayaking that he could, from surf competition to white water racing, slalom to marathon, sea touring to inland touring. He also learned to paddle a variety of different styles of canoe, from sprint to white-water. His first multiday solo kayak trip was around SW and southern England. That trip sparked a whole series of longer explorations. At age 24 he circumnavigated Iceland in his first design of sea kayak. Trips to Newfoundland, (he and his friend cut their kayaks in half to fly them out, as there were none available in Newfoundland in those days) the Faeroe Islands and Norway. He crossed France in a tandem racing kayak, and explored the west coast of Scotland. Fully qualified as a teacher, Foster made a living teaching Outdoor Education in local authority centers in England and Wales. After his near-deadly solo kayak trip from Baffin Island to Labrador (see his book "Stepping Stones of Ungava and Labrador") he moved to the National Water-Sports Center in Wales. When he launched his own business in Wales, (now based in USA) sea kayaking became his major focus, but not just on-water teaching around the world. Foster also designs sea kayaks for companies in USA, Canada and Sweden, writes (books and magazine articles), teaches canoeing, and for fun plays guitar. His most recent book "Stepping Stones of Ungava and Labrador" recounts not only his epic solo Hudson Strait crossing but also the journey he made to finish that trip in 2004 with his now wife Kristin Nelson.Discover more about Nigel Foster on his web-sites and
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