Nightmare Of The Dead
In a world of war and mayhem, a woman awakens on a train without memory or identity and her world becomes a twisted nightmare when she's attacked by fleshless, undead cannibals. After taking the name of the notorious outlaw, Neasa Bannan, she uncovers a horrifying conspiracy engineered by Doctor...
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In a world of war and mayhem, a woman awakens on a train without memory or identity and her world becomes a twisted nightmare when she's attacked by fleshless, undead cannibals. After taking the name of the notorious outlaw, Neasa Bannan, she uncovers a horrifying conspiracy engineered by Doctor Saul, the psychopathic mastermind behind the Confederacy's deadly flesh-hungry weapons. A homicidal gunslinger, a jilted lover, and a brotherhood of killers emerge out of Neasa's tragic, blood-soaked past while the living dead ravage the land. With the fate of her identity and self-image in the balance, Neasa must decide: save the Union from the undead menace, or surrender to Saul's vision of ultra-violence.
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Format: Paperback
9781925047783 (1925047784)
ASIN: 1925047784
Publish date: 2014-05-23
Publisher: Severed Press
Pages no: 182
Edition language: English