by Kyle Higgins, Eddy Barrows
I have posted the review for this on my blog, The Itinerant Librarian. Here is a short excerpt of the review: "I say that of the various volumes in this series this is one of the better ones. It is one that also leaves us with a cliffhanger, a mystery from the past. You will have to read it to fin...
I love it when the Joker is truly bad, scary bad as he is here. I also enjoyed the way Dick Greyson was built up. He really has a great story. The writer did a fantastic job bringing these characters to life. The art work was above average but I would have like more detailingA book for any fan of th...
Star Rating Art: 3.5 Stars Star Rating Story: 3.5 Stars Netgalley Review. First Impression: Not bad, not bad at all. I think I requested and received all of the Death in the family series. I had to take a break from them since they were a bit similar. I don’t like starting new things on a...