I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a cooker, a cleaner, a referee, a washer and folder of clothes, a bathroom scrubber, a bed maker, a boo boo kisser, a homework checker, a rug vacuumer, an encourager, a smelly dog bather, a 'tiel cheeky petter, a finder of all things lost, a video game player, a...
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I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a cooker, a cleaner, a referee, a washer and folder of clothes, a bathroom scrubber, a bed maker, a boo boo kisser, a homework checker, a rug vacuumer, an encourager, a smelly dog bather, a 'tiel cheeky petter, a finder of all things lost, a video game player, a reader, a dreamer, a music lover, a sewer, a painter, a photographer and I am a writer.I grew up on Long Island but fell in love with the mountains and trees of Northeastern PA, which is where I now live with my husband, two daughters, rat terrier and cockatiel. As a girl, I could often be found with my nose in a fantasy book, but as I got older, I came to appreciate other genres. Being a writer was never a dream of mine, in fact, I hated writing all through my school years. (I wanted to be an illustrator.) But, as the saying goes, people make plans and God laughs! Just out of college, I had a dream... From that moment on, my life has been plagued with characters, plots, scenes, sketches, imaginary conversations and outlined stories.Writing became my dream, and thanks to the Writing Wenches, it has come true!
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