Nikki Sixx
Birth date: December 11, 1958
Nikki Sixx's Books
This Is Gonna Hurt is music, photography, and life through the distorted lens of Nikki Sixx, bassist for heavy metal rock band Mötley Crüe’s and the New York Times bestselling author ofThe Heroin Diaries. A combination of powerful prose and dramatic photographs, This Is Gonna Hurt is an arresting, d...
Haunting photos. Sixx is an prolific artist and gifted writer. I appreciate this authenticity and honesty voice. I did not like this as much as 'The Heroic Diaries.'
Liked it all except Tommy Lee's chapters....he is such an idiot.
Four drunken, drugged up, rock'n'roll millionaires (who likely can't even spell) enlist Neil Strauss to help them communicate to their fans their stories of how they formed Motley Crue, and how they have left and/or come back to the band, and the personal stories in between. I give it four stars fo...