by Sarra Manning
3.5 stars, I feel depressed and need something light to read :-(
The thing with Manning’s writing is that it is just so engaging. Her characters are incredibly flawed and as such, relatable. I don’t know if I like them all, in fact, I am sure if I knew them in real life, I wouldn’t like them too much but reading about them is incredibly entertaining. It is sort o...
Ugh, silly question here, but what nine uses are there anyway? Because I’ve just unclenched my jaws from having had them clenched for a good ninety percent of the book. And couldn't get past how annoying/unlikeable the lot of them were. I mean really, I don’t know when the last time I encountered su...
Manning la pifiò acà ....por momentos , Demasiado cercano a la deprimente realidad de la mayorìa de las relaciones .Por otros , simplemente frustrante , irritante y , al final , indignante .