Nineteen Seventy-Four (Red Riding, #1)
The first installment of David Peace's electrifying Red Riding Quartet vividly brings to life a gritty, dangerous working class city tormented by a series of brutal murders. Nineteen Seventy-Four follows Eddie Dunford, the newly minted crime correspondent for the Yorkshire Post. His first story...
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The first installment of David Peace's electrifying Red Riding Quartet vividly brings to life a gritty, dangerous working class city tormented by a series of brutal murders. Nineteen Seventy-Four follows Eddie Dunford, the newly minted crime correspondent for the Yorkshire Post. His first story is about Clare Kemplay, a young girl recently found brutally murdered. While the police department and other crime reporters at the newspaper believe it's an isolated incident, Eddie finds a pattern between Clare's disappearance and those of other girls from a few years earlier. Despite his better judgment, and against the advice of others, he starts to dig deep. What he finds is a nightmare of corruption, violence, blackmail, and obsession that ultimately leads to a shocking, explosive conclusion.
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Format: paperback
9780307455086 (0307455084)
ASIN: 307455084
Publish date: February 10th 2009
Publisher: Vintage
Pages no: 295
Edition language: English
Series: Red Riding Quartet (#1)
When a little girl goes missing, crime reporter Eddie Dunford is on the case. Eddie finds a pattern between the girl's disappearance and others. Where will the trail lead and will Eddie have anything left when he gets there?There's a greasy spoon close to my house that serves something called The Me...
Note: The review below was taken directly from my Goodreads account. Nineteen Seventy-Four is about Edward Dunford, a crime correspondent for the Yorkshire Post, covering the murder of a young girl. His search for the truth gets him in a lot of trouble, and I'm really not saying that lightly, ho...
Extremely dark, with characters who were particularly unsavory, a plot that at times seemed to go off the rails, and some scenes that were too graphic for me. The one upside though was the intensity and style of the writing. It grabbed me from the beginning and compelled me to keep turning the pag...
Just read the other reviews/comments on this and don't have much original to add.Very dark (especially for me), compelling story. A little bit implausible plotwise but everything moves so fast that you don't have time to notice until it's over. At least you don't if you read it like I did, basically...
Dark, so dark and brutal. Grey and muddy. Violence, corruption and desperation, all rolled up into a story line that grips you and doesn't let go of you until the end. It can not end differently and it's bleak and horrible. I'll definitely read the second novel but not for a few months. The images P...