by Liz Jensen, Andrew Sachs
Q:Мы выходим на террасу, за которой сразу начинается сад. Обжигающий ветер сводит с ума, и я стараюсь его игнорировать; дух захватывает от красоты этого укрощенного кусочка земли: воздушные потоки хлещут листву, превращая ее в смуту из серебра, пурпура, розового, лилового и белого. (c)Q:
bookshelves: published-2004, paper-read, one-penny-wonder, tbr-busting-2014, winter-20132014, france, lyon, dodgy-narrator, eye-scorcher, conflagration, contemporary, lit-richer, noir, ouch, psychology, midlife-crisis, mental-health, sciences, mystery-thriller, medical-eew, families Read from Febr...
A long time ago I saw this book reviewed in a newspaper and thought it sounded very interesting and felt I had to get it. So I set off for the book store to find it. However .... When I got there my mind went blank. I couldn't remember the name of the book, couldn't remember what the author's name w...
Here are some titles I'd recommend for teens and adults. Liz Jensen is a particular favourite of mine and deserves much more recognition. Her books are really varied - possibly why she hasn't had the commercial success of 'genre' writers. I haven't read the more recent Louise Welsh titles but The B...
Very good. Review to come.
just didn't grab me