by Lisa Renee Jones
With every book that Lisa writes in this series just intrigues you more and more. The mystery reminds me of a time when mysteries were what made a book great. Lisa adds that element with this series, as well as romance that just gets stronger in every book. I say romance because that is what Chris a...
I received a free copy for review from NetGalleyOh boy, where do I begin?Books one and two were pretty good, but the third seemed kind of like "filler" for the most part. I was instantly drawn into the story of [b:If I Were You|15717721|If I Were You (Inside Out, #1)|Lisa Renee Jones|
This is the fourth installment of Chris and Sarah's journey and starts right where the previous book left off. Rebecca is still missing and we can presume dead with Ava's confession when she was trying to kill Sarah. We find Mark had started to fall apart and Ella is still missing. There is a lot go...