by Danny Sugarman, Jerry Hopkins
How could I have forgotten to add this one?! It was my bible from about ages 17-19. When I used to harbour the secret hope that Jim Morrison was actually still alive, and maybe one day I'd walk around a street corner and..... there He'd be. Sigh.
The first book I read about Jim Morrison and still my favorite. It was because of this book that I read Jack Kerouac, and got into poetry, and started looking into Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground. Sure its a sanitized version of his life, but I still like this book.
Read this when I was 12, when it first came out. Carried it around like a bible for 4 years if I recall correctly.Made me want to read, write, and inhale anything that was not part of the pre-digested and regurgitated 80s culture. It made me a rebel.
I've read just about everything ever written about Jim Morrison, but nothing beats this one. Definitive.
If you're a Doors fan, this is essential reading. If you're a fan of late 60s music, especially the L.A. scene, you'll find this enjoyable. If you're everyone else? Then this is not the droid the book you're looking for. It's rather sycophantic and not well-written. However, to me it was the Bible w...