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Noah Gordon - Community Reviews back

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A History Nut's Romantic State of Mind
I think it took me 5 days none-stop-every-waking-moment to read the story. Of course I had to stop for work but it is a very very very long story. I am a fast reader and even I found this book too long for me. But the book is a good read. I like historical fictions and really enjoy reading about the...
A Constant Reader
A Constant Reader rated it 10 years ago
Short english review: it wasn't a bad book but I think that it could be resolved in less pages. The most enjoyable aspect of this book was the historical chapters but it fall short compared to other Noah Gordon's books. I recommend reading [b:The Physician|4692|The Physician (Cole Family Trilogy, #1...
So many books - so little time
So many books - so little time rated it 10 years ago
Das Hörbuch gefiel mir tatsächlich noch einen Tick besser als das Buch. Es ist ein so umfangreiches Werk, dass ich es als sehr angenehm empfand, es vorgelesen zu bekommen.Auch eignet sich der Erzählstil Gordons sehr gut für eine Umsetzung als Hörbuch. “Der Medicus” enthält lange Erzählweise mit weni...
Sheziss loves Zeshak
Sheziss loves Zeshak rated it 10 years ago
DNF page 70 of 618.I was sick of juggling balls. Where are the guts? The blood? The everything?I loved the movie, though.But they have nothing to do with each other.
A Constant Reader
A Constant Reader rated it 11 years ago
Review en español de El Médico, uno de mis libros favoritos totalmente recomendado: Click aquí English review soon
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 11 years ago
bookshelves: film-only, summer-2014, tbr-busting-2014, published-1986, medieval5c-16c, medical-eew, historical-fiction, religion, roman-catholic, jewish, muslim, adventure, historical-masturbation, plague-disease, desert-regions, travel, recreational-homicide, skoolzy-stuff, superstitions Read fro...
kennethjmcginnis rated it 11 years ago
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/77331153but there again...http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/141134551and 5* Des5* AngelaTo find
marijaprahin rated it 13 years ago
super knjiga. jedna od najboljih koje sam čitala. da mogu dati dala bih joj 6 zvjezdica. zanimljiva. dobro napisana. nisam se mogla odlijepiti od nje jednom kad sam ju krenula čitati. great book. one of the best i have evere read. if i could i would give it 6 stars. very interesting and well written...
jagusgda rated it 13 years ago
Świetna, poruszająca, dobrze napisana powieść. Trochę historii, romansu, sensacji.. A przede wszystkim rewelacyjna kreacja bohaterów.. Nie można nie lubić Roba, jego żony Mairy, czy Księcia Medyków.. Objętość może niektórych trochę przerażać, mi samej czytanie tej książki zajęło około tygodnia, ale ...
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