by John Connolly
A really good collection of short stories that I read in the beginning of 2014. Usually the quality of short stories varies very much, but I think this is one of the best collections of short stories I have ever read. Then again, this is John Connolly, writer of the excellent Charlie Parker series. ...
A wonderful selection of short stories from Mr Connolly, including one featuring Charlie Parker (The Reflecting Eye) , I re-read these one a night over the last little while and once again was enthralled and delighted by each of them. There is a great mix here – my favourite being “The Underbury W...
Really Scary! Make sure that the windows are closed or the lights are on or whatever else makes you feel safer. This book is a drop into a very dark wonderland. Single-author short story collections can be tedious reading but John Connolly manages to hold your attention with some elegant writing t...
Okay, fine, UNCLE. I don't want to finish this one, at all, and every time I think about picking it up I pick up a magazine or the internets instead, so I'm setting it aside. I've read reviews of Nocturnes on Goodreads and a lot of people seem to think there are stronger stories than the opening sto...
Ich bin scheinbar nicht so ein Freund von Kurzgeschichten. Vor allem nicht von welchen, die angeblich gruselig sein sollen, sich am Ende als Lagerfeuergeschichten bei Nachtwanderungen herausstellen.Ach und die erste war die widerlichste Geschichte, die ich je gelesen habe.
I'll be the first to admit I'm not a huge fan of short story compilations. While I've only read a handful of collections, I find they take a lot of effort to get through. It's not that the quality of the work isn't up to par with that of a full length novel, it's just the ending of one story follo...
It's kind of hard for me to figure out how I felt about this collection of stories. On one hand, I found most of the stories creepy enough (none of them were really scary, but then I never find books all that scary), and I thought they were pretty well-written standard creepy monster/demon thing Lov...