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Nona Raines tackles addiction, heartbreak, grief, fairy tales and interational romance. Summer Cinderella exists in the real world but has an element of fantasy. Adele is widow, struggling to rebuild her life after the lost of her husband. Money is tight, but love for her son pulls her through. When...
3/5 Heart Rating: Good Book 3/5 Sensuality Rating: There is sex but nothing explicit 3/5 Heat Rating: Sizzling Write to me is about Gloria, a woman whose husband has died and while in a book store she finds this letter. Gloria reads it and falls in love with the poetic words written on the paper a...
Originally posted on Bookish WanderloveOpening Lines“The stupid squirrel was to blame.Or maybe it was her own fault. She should have been paying attention while walking Bobo. Instead, Annalee was distracted, thinking about the evening ahead and how much she wasn’t looking forward to it.”I was lookin...
Trans romance? Yes, plz.
A story about bullying is surprisingly moving. Roy Girard is a reformed bully. His brother, Travis is also a reformed bully. Travis's past is a classic reason as to why he was so mean. Travis's guilt weighs on him. He wants to apologize to Victor, the main target of his youthful anger. There is...