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Norman MacAfee
Norman MacAfee's Books
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My Reading World!
My Reading World! rated it 10 years ago
هل ثمّة جان فالجان حقيقي أم هو مجرد شخصية خيالية لا نظير واقعي لها؟ هل ثمة من يُسجن ظلماَ 19 عاماً و يرد على معطيات هذه الحياة الظالمة بالخير والتضحية والعطاء؟ هل ثمة من يعطي ولا يهتم بما يُعطى ولا يتأثر روحياً بمدى ما يُؤذى؟ .. عن نفسي فهذا ما أسميه بـ"العظمة الإنسانية" ، عندما البشري يتخطى هذه الم...
Something clever I'll change later
Something clever I'll change later rated it 11 years ago
I did it. I have more to say, but after 8 solid months of commutes listening to this audio book, I'm just kind of exhausted.
Bayard's Books
Bayard's Books rated it 11 years ago
This is a really great book. The timeless tale of Jean Valjean's journeys from a criminal to an honest and honorable man kept me glued to the pages until the beautiful, bitter-sweet ending. The other characters, besides being extremely well rounded and realistic (after all, the book is really very...
Nina @ Death Books and Tea
Nina @ Death Books and Tea rated it 11 years ago
Bloody amazing, but damn, Hugo can ramble like noone's business. Sometimes appreciated, often not.
Just reading
Just reading rated it 12 years ago
This is definitely a long book--especially the unabridged version. However, this is probably one of the most satisfying stories I have ever read. Even through all the tragedy, somehow the good potential in mankind is comforting.
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