by Loretta Chase
Well thank goodness, I am warming up to Darius and Charlotte a lot faster than the main characters from the last book. Charlotte is of course a woman who does not want to get married but the way her thought process is described makes it more believable than other characters I have read before. Like ...
I liked the bit more slower pace of this one. It all plays out in the estates outside of London. There isn't a ballroom in sight. I really liked both Charlotte and Darius. Charlotte with her heartbreaking secret and Darius that was suppose to be some sort of "rake" who turned out to be just a really...
I liked the bit more slower pace of this one. It all plays out in the estates outside of London. There isn't a ballroom in sight. I really liked both Charlotte and Darius. Charlotte with her heartbreaking secret and Darius that was suppose to be some sort of "rake" who turned out to be just a really...
I liked the bit more slower pace of this one. It all plays out in the estates outside of London. There isn't a ballroom in sight. I really liked both Charlotte and Darius. Charlotte with her heartbreaking secret and Darius that was suppose to be some sort of "rake" who turned out to be just a really...
Really sweet, and I do love these Carsingtons. Not my favorite though, that's still Rupert.
Not my favorite Loretta Chase but a merely "good" Loretta Chase book can still be much better than most. I'd had a couple angsty reads back to back and needed a break with some witty dialogue and fun characters.
I liked this one. My only issue is that the "tension" that had been built by the other guy tapered off a bit too soon. Although, that did make it a little less predictable than previous stories. It's still predictable, but it wasn't as cookie cutter.
My review contains spoilers and they're mostly my thoughts as I went with the book...Yes Darius, you're the kind of 'male specimen' (aka 'rake') I love to hate, hate to love yet sometimes I can't but help falling. I'm trying to hate you too, yah, I know I sound boo-boo in the head but ... well, nev...
Two quality, three enjoyment = rank five.
Falling in love at a young age, Charlotte lost her virginity to a seducer. If this were to be discovered she would be ruined. However, I think the phrase "not quite a lady" was used at the time in a more class-based sense, so it doesn't quite fit. Although Darius certainly treats her as if she wasn'...