Thanks to Net Galley for providing me a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for a review. I spent a year at Mount Holyoke College and visited Amherst often. And one of the first places I went to was for a visit to the house and museum of Emily Dickinson (and I was living at Dickinson House ...
The chapters in this lovely story alternate between the voice of Emily Dickinson and her fictional Irish maid, Ada Concannon. Their voices feel authentic for the most part, and their relationship brings out their best characteristics. Also, the historical details of Emily Dickinson's Amherst, her ...
Charmed by Miss Emily by Nuala O'Connor. A novel of poet Emily Dickinson and her Irish maid, Ada Concannon. Nothing surprising, especially for poor Ada, but the strength of the novel is O'Connor's evocation of the famed poet. Passionate and quirky without verging into twee or Manic Pixie Dreamgirl t...