Nuala O'Faolain
Birth date: March 01, 1940
Died: May 09, 2008
Nuala O'Faolain's Books
Very interesting read. One hears alot about May, it was interesting to see her "come to life" and here the story behind the legend.
I would say it's more 3.5 stars as a book but I do like the lady so we'll round up. It was interesting enough but I think I would've liked it more if she just...I don't know. It seems like there's parts with just a bunch of name dropping, or she'll go on for a page just listing authors she's read or...
Somehow the german audiobook that I've heard is linked to the wrong book. [b:Nur nicht unsichtbar werden. Starke Stimmen. Brigitte Hörbuch-Edition, 2 CDs|2594669|Nur nicht unsichtbar werden. Starke Stimmen. Brigitte Hörbuch-Edition, 2 CDs|Nuala O'Faolain|
I loved this book about Chicago May and the research is excellent as this is a true story, I had also read another book about the same Woman and again an amazing story about an Irish woman.