An extremely dark J2 fanfic in the style of Dexter. Jensen Ackles is a forensic pathologist and serial killer of his fellow murderers. His sister Daneel is a police detective. His life is overturned when he comes into contact with trauma surgeon Jared Padalecki. An accomplished piece of writing, not...
3.5 stars. This is an intense piece of erotica, dark Sam tempts Dean to him by sharing various girls between them. Sadly my m/m bias was squicked out by the m/f/m scenes.
3.5 stars. A well written short fic in which J2 make out in order to shock Chad. Then a drunken Jared bets Jensen $500 he could get him to have sex with him.'Jared is an evil, evil bastard and Jensen couldn’t possibly love him more than he does right now, because oh, God, the expression on Chad’s fa...
3.5 stars. A well written short fic in which J2 make out in order to shock Chad. Then a drunken Jared bets Jensen $500 he could get him to have sex with him.'Jared is an evil, evil bastard and Jensen couldn’t possibly love him more than he does right now, because oh, God, the expression on Chad’s fa...
“It’s not about the girls.” Really? And yet it takes until around 50% before there’s a sex scene that doesn’t involve a girl. The girls do seem to be “just the excuse” though since they’re literally nothing more than props here. They could be sex dolls and the story would read about the same.And may...