by Julio Cortázar, José Luís Peixoto, Alberto Simões
(Original Review, 1981-05-15)If you like your novels simple and straightforward, don’t read “Hopscotch”.If you have an allergy to extended brainy digressions and convoluted debates, you better avoid “Hopscotch”.If you abhor puns, double entendre and wordplay, I most seriously advise you to stay clea...
Liked:It is a book that explores form through both form and content.I am like the characters in that I am reading a book that explores form and so are they.Octavio Paz, Ferlinghetti, Coleridgejazz, art, philosophy, alcoholrepetition of words, ideas, charactersthe form of chapter 34the unreality of d...
I planned to read this twice: First time in the 'normal' chapter order (chapters 1-56); second time using the 'hopscotch' order (starts with chapter 73, then 'hopscotches' through the 56 chapters read previously along with many additional chapters that are not included in the 'normal' linear reading...