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by Patricia Cornwell, Lucio Angelini
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want a real life adventure? come to Australia we have spiders bigger than your hand.
Another somewhat disappointing read, only because i had such high expectations. So many people have recommended this author to me, but i had so many issues with this book! I don't know if it was because of the era it was written, or just Cornwell's personal tastes or her writing ability but this boo...
Rabbit Reads
Rabbit Reads rated it 10 years ago
I actually prefer the later books to the early books. I think her writing got stronger. Mariano was so unlikeable in the early books.
Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it 12 years ago
31/3 - Another great Scarpetta story. I haven't read this one as often as Postmortem, so I don't remember the complete story like I do with Postmortem. As I'm reading a new detail of the plot will come to me just a page or two before I read it. Instead of anticipating each twist and turn of the p...
Retiredbear rated it 12 years ago
I continue to expect more forensic pathology from this author. I am now reading the third book in the Scarpetta series and have come to the conclusion that this author is not a Kathy Reichs like genre author. Oh well.That being said, this story was interesting and an improvement over Postmortem. ...
Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it 12 years ago
31/3 - Another great Scarpetta story. I haven't read this one as often as Postmortem, so I don't remember the complete story like I do with Postmortem. As I'm reading a new detail of the plot will come to me just a page or two before I read it. Instead of anticipating each twist and turn of the p...
My slice of heaven
My slice of heaven rated it 12 years ago
I really enjoyed the book. I liked all the gory details and how it all came together in the end. Can't say that I'm a fan of Marino's homophobic attitude. If that continues I'll have to reconsider if I really wanna read the entire series.
kcwbc rated it 13 years ago
I really like the Kay Scarpetta series so far. They are quick and easy while still being detailed and enjoyable. I enjoy the missing link or the missing clue that has shown up in this series. Cornwell has had her characters struggle to find a way for the murders to be happening rather than just focu...
Shelly's Book Journal
Shelly's Book Journal rated it 14 years ago
I really enjoyed this mystery. Kay Scarpetta is such an empathetic character, yet tough and willing to take risks. Cornwell weaves a web that is almost impossible to untangle until she takes it down piece by piece. I thought I had the whole thing figured out in the 2nd chapter. I love how she fi...
EricCWelch rated it 17 years ago
The heroine is Dr. Kay Scarpetta, the Chief Medical Examiner in Virginia. Oh, no, you say, another Ouincv. Wrong, corpse-breath. Scarpetta is intelligent, short, (we don't know whether she is attractive or not, a relief) and she doesn't swoon over each drooling Sylvester Stallone imitation that happ...
Gosh I Wish I was a Good Writer
Gosh I Wish I was a Good Writer rated it 26 years ago
I liked Kay but I want her to be more emotional.
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