Ohne Ein Wort: Psychothriller
9783828990845 (3828990843)
Publish date: 2008
Publisher: Weltbild
Edition language: Deutsch
Book Club,
Mystery Thriller,
No Time for Goodbye, Book #1This very suspenseful story revolves around the unexplained overnight disappearance of a teenage girl’s family. It open 25 years later with Cynthia Biggs, the long abandoned daughter still looking to solve the mystery in her life.The book’s raison d’être is to disclose th...
Du wachst morgens auf und bist alleine. Alle sind weg. Deine komplette Familie und du hast unendlich viele Fragen. Was ist passiert?! Genau das passierte der 14-jährigen Cynthia vor 25 Jahren. Sie kann diese Tragödie nicht vergessen. Heute lebt sie mit Mann Terry und ihrer 8-jährigen Tochter Grace ...
Fastest I've ever read a book! Can't wait for the sequel! Mr Barclay says he's about to start writing it.
My 'review' off another website, written on 30.08.2009Would give it 6 stars if I could. As it says on the back, 'a one sit thriller'. Amazing.
blurb - On the morning she will never forget, suburban teenager Cynthia Archer awakes with a nasty hangover and a feeling she is going to have an even nastier confrontation with her mom and dad. She isn't. Instead, the house is empty, with no sign of her parents or younger brother Todd. At first she...