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Eriale is almost an Adept magician, the most powerful there can be. As the seventeen-year-old half-sister to the Queen, Eriale is found in the midst of a scandal when she turns a suitor into a sheep, she is sent on her first Journeyman's quest until the incident is forgotten. While on her quest, E...
I tend to be far more picky about Fantasy books then I wish to be. If a book fits into certain sub-genres, I'm generally sure to love it - dragons, fantasy mixed with Alternate History, and Urban Fantasy to name a few - but I've been attempting to give what to me is regular fantasy more of a try. So...
Squirrel Of Magic is a contemporary-YA book (don’t let the cover deceive you!) It’s a very refreshing read. Darya is a modern witch who is the witch-protector of her city, Vancouver. She lives the life of a common girl in Canada and has a squirrel, Beatrice (who is her familiar.) Darya and Beatrice ...
Eagle En Garde is a fun fantasy adventure that follows Darin, a lieutenant in the mercenary group, the Eagles. He lives in the kingdom of Talaria, which has a border that prevents all magic from entering. The Cleaners, a religious group, has formed and preaches against magical beings. Within Darin's...
The book starts with Captain Darin Barclay saving a women (a witch) form a bunch of cleaners in a fair in Coll, Talaria. Talaria is an imaginary kingdom whose borders are bound by a spell that prevents magic to enter inside the kingdom. Anything that has magic or anyone who can perform magic (elves ...