Oligarchy is Scarlett Thomas' fierce and brilliant new novel about power, privilege and peer pressure. When Natasha, daughter of a Russian oligarch, arrives for her first day at an all-girl boarding school, she finds herself thrown into a world of fierce pecking orders, eating disorders and...
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Oligarchy is Scarlett Thomas' fierce and brilliant new novel about power, privilege and peer pressure. When Natasha, daughter of a Russian oligarch, arrives for her first day at an all-girl boarding school, she finds herself thrown into a world of fierce pecking orders, eating disorders and Instagram angst. Then her friend Bianca mysteriously vanishes, and the world of the school gets ever darker and even weirder.
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Format: audiobook
Publish date: 2019-11-07
Publisher: Cannongate Books
Edition language: English
Door 16: St. Lucia's Day Book: Read a book newly released in November or December of this year. A strange, beautifully written, "What am I reading?" book. A sort of modern-day "Picnic At Hanging Rock" but with eating disorders, trendy-but-hollow therapists and social media. ...