Oliver Goldsmith
Birth date: November 10, 1730
Died: April 04, 1774
Oliver Goldsmith's Books
Wild Oats, O'Keefe Veering more in the direction of farce and piling the coindicences higher than the other entries in this volume, Wild Oats nevertheless delivers the laughs, no doubt gaining much in performance. This collection gives a nice overview of 18th Century comedy and preserves some of t...
Aye yi yi. I did not enjoy this book at all, and I would have abandoned it if it were not on the 1001 books list. Also, it is under 200 pages--and a total slog. It took me 2 weeks to read. The vicar (or really, former vicar), Dr Primrose, is supposed to be comic. I found him to be an ass. He's mea...
bookshelves: gutenberg-project, e-book, spring-2015, published-1766, britain-england, classic, moral-high-ground, arch, tbr-busting-2015, if-it-wasnt-for-bad-luck, georgian1714-1830, filthy-lucre, families, shortstory-shortstories-novellas Read from September 29, 2009 to May 26, 2015 Descriptio...
If you've never read or seen a comedy of errors or farcical play like those of [a:William Shakespeare|947|William Shakespeare|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1360741702p2/947.jpg] and [a:Oscar Wilde|3565|Oscar Wilde|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1357460488p2/3565.jpg], th...
It's "father knows best" 18th Century style!A relatively well-off parson's family in mid 1700s England is forced into reduced circumstances and then really falls on hard times. A contemporary and friend of lexicographer Samuel Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith too was a lover of language. He was a teller of...