The fourth, and final, Dover poetry anthology I am reviewing. As with the others, it is an easily portable, inexpensive book. Includes work by 58 poets. Ten were born before 1600, another six in the 17th century, twelve in the 18th century, and two in the 20th century. So 28 were born in the 19th c...
I'll come back to this, some snowy evening when I have time to sit with it in front of a fireplace. I'm sure there's more interesting stuff in it that I missed. I was looking for Holmes's descriptions of New England town life, and especially his dialog between the freethinking physician and the ol...
I'm on a disease and public health kick, and I love me some Ignaz Semmelweis, so I was pleased to find this monograph by Oliver Wendell Holmes,arguing for the contagiousness of puerperal fever some years before Semmelweis. Both men were ridiculed and ignored, leaving it to Louis Pasteur to demonstra...