by Vivi Barnes
A young girl has been tossed from foster home to foster home for most of her life. She has never had many friends if any. She tries to fly low under the radar; trying not to be noticed. She would love to have a parent to care about her and make everything alright. She has always tried to do what was...
What a great riff on Oliver Twist. I fell into this story and didn't come up for air until it was done. I loved the spin that Barnes put on it with our female hacker and the ragtag group of hacker orphans. But the heart of the story was Z and Olivia's relationship which was painful and swoony and fi...
Olivia Twisted is a modern "Oliver Twist" story about a unique teenage girl with amazing computer skills. Olivia meets Z and Sam, who live in a group home, at the high school she enrolls in at her latest foster care home. Olivia is soon drawn into their world of expensive vehicles and computer hacki...
So, 3.5 stars for this one and if not for the few slow parts I would have loved this one! Very entertaining, loved the characters. Felt the ending was a bit rough or I would have upped this one to 4 stars. Full review to follow soon!
Disclaimer: I received an ARC from Netgalley this has not effected my review of the book. However, it does make me love Netgalley and Entangled publishing a bit more. Have you ever seen Blackadder Back and Forth?If you haven't you're really missing out. This book made me flashback to a particular ...
I'm her agent so it is obvious that I think it is cool. But holy hot boy, holy hacker mania, and JESU BATMAN THE INTRIGUE!