by Elin Gregory
Have you ever heard of Saint-Malo in France? Ah guys, it’s one of my favorite places! Saint-Malo is the Corsair Town. It’s a lair protected by fortifications and a coast spiked with reefs and breakers; it’s a bay that is a jewel of the Emerald Coast, a point from which the corsairs spread on the oce...
Forget Jack Sparrow. Meet La Griffe. A pirate to swoon for, but not a ladies man. His eyes are firmly fixed on other shores!Captain Christopher Penrose (Kit) is assigned as a valet to Sir George a British diplomat sailing to the Caribbean. Kit has been demoted after losing his ship, although not at ...
Pirates! Oh I hope someone's booty gets plundered!;P
A high-seas adventure with a young man who learns what it really means to be a pirate.Lt. Christopher (Kit) Penrose, who recently lost his ship and crew, takes a job as a valet for a traveling elderly gentleman. The ship is attacked by pirates who take Kit captive due to his sailing capabilities. Le...
Good goddamn this was brilliant.Review to come, but if you're hesitating even the littlest bit: GAY PIRATES. ADVENTURES. SWAG. A DARLING WEE SHIP. OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE GO GO, GO NOW.