by J.A. Clement
This is the first part of a much longer story. It is an introduction. That is really the long and the short of it. This part introduces several characters, several story arcs and lots of competing themes.It's hard to say if the reader really gets to know any of the characters well in this part, it's...
Gr Cleanup Originally Read in July 2011 This novella is very short and appears to be the beginning of a longer piece of work currently being written. It read like an introduction to a story and a rather large cast of characters and didn’t turn out to be very satisfying all on its own and it ended ...
It's really hard to know what to say about this one. It starts well, with a truly atmospheric couple of chapters, but then the reader is dumped into a generic fantasy town with a generic fantasy villain and a generic fantasy situation - you know the sort of thing, there's this bad guy who runs the p...