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On the Banks of Plum Creek - Community Reviews back

by Garth Williams, Laura Ingalls Wilder
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Calyre rated it 6 years ago
- Nous devons faire de notre mieux, Laura, et ne pas rechigner. Ce qui doit être fait est mieux fait de bon cœur.- Charles, dit Maman, réjouissons-nous d'être en bonne santé, en sécurité, bien au chaud et avec assez de nourriture pour tout l'hiver et ne pensons pas à ce que nous n'avons pas.
MatthewHunter rated it 12 years ago
Just awesome. Sigourney and I are having such fun reading this series together. There's even more danger for Laura and her family in Minnesota. Blizzards, floods, grasshopper infestations, Nellie Oleson -- life was precarious for the Ingalls on Plum Creek.Speaking of the scenes with grasshoppers, t...
deborahmarkus7 rated it 12 years ago
It's easy to get so stuck on the subject matter of the stories Wilder tells that we fail to notice her brilliant, deceptively quiet writing. Her descriptions of scenery are gorgeous, of course, but I love the tiny sentences that tell so much, like this one when eight-year-old Mary and seven-year-old...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
1937mp3summer2013young girls3*
Duchess Loves Books
Duchess Loves Books rated it 12 years ago
This seems to be the favorite book of the series so far, both for my three daughters and me. There are a lot of changes again for the Ingalls family. They live in an underground house at first, which is a story all on its own. Plum Creek makes for many happy times for Laura and Mary...and a few s...
Kiwiria rated it 13 years ago
I remember being totally scared by the grasshoppers after reading this book. I'd read about the plague of the locusts in the Bible, but it never really *clicked* exactly what it meant until after reading this. I can't remember if I noticed this before, but on this readthrough it constantly strikes m...
The Cheap Reader
The Cheap Reader rated it 13 years ago
It’s a nice continuation of the series. I’m glad to see that family finally put down roots somewhere. It was fun to see Laura and Mary interact with kids their own age. I love how excited/nervous they both are for things we take for granted: going to school, having parties with friends, socializing ...
Melody Murray's Books
Melody Murray's Books rated it 15 years ago
It was fun to read this again for the first time since I visited Plum Creek and waded in the water out front of the homesite last summer. I enjoyed this chapter of the Ingalls' life more than the previous one, but I'm finding Pa to be a real annoyance. I know he was a loving father, but I don't thin...
The Purple Book Monster
The Purple Book Monster rated it 16 years ago
One of the few books I read in elementary school. I still remember bits and pieces of it. I loved this series.
La Crimson Femme
La Crimson Femme rated it 43 years ago
Second Grade, my friend and I sat by the brick wall and read every little house on the prairie book together during every recess. We just found each other again via Facebook. She remembers those times.
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